Domain names are becoming more and more an added value for a company, increasing its intangible assets. For this reason, the phenomenon of cybersquatting (the illegal activity of those who misappropriate domain names corresponding to trade marks of others in order to make a profit on the transfer) is increasingly widespread and domain names need the same legal and administrative care that is paid to trade marks.

Our services within this field include:

Monitoring all extensions worldwide (about 240 national extensions + all generic extensions) for retrieving domains identical/similar to the watched trade mark:

Signaling the retrieved domains to the client, with suggestions about ways of action.
Sending warning letters/reports to the Provider.
Approaching the domain owner through shielded accounts for collecting information about the domain owner and his/her intentions.
Handling negotiations aimed at obtaining transfer of the domain to the trade mark owner.
Acquiring domain names through specialized certified online platforms.
International reassignment procedures/arbitrations for domain recovery.
In-house management of the domain names once the transfer process is completed.


Carrying out clearance searches and availability checks.
Registering and maintaining domain names of any type with the various Authorities, also in a defensive perspective for preventing registration by third parties.
Managing domain name portfolios.

